10 Minute Vim!

MOBA Item Optimization In Haskell

· Read in about 5 min · (943 Words)

TL;DR: Made a website for optimizing Paragon cards using the GNU Linear Programming Kit and Haskell. Code available here.

I love MOBA’s (Dota, LoL, Paragon), and I love Haskell. Since Paragon is my current go-to game, I wanted to determine the cards to buy to maximize my Damage Per Second (DPS).

First things first, I found a spreadsheet of all the cards, colors, costs, and stats. Using some Vim magic, I made them into a list of tuples:

("Wellspring Staff",3,Universal,"6 Power|30 Mana|Fully Upgraded Bonus:30 Mana|0.3 Mana Regen"),
("Whirling Wand",3,Universal,"6 Power|5.5 Attack Speed|Fully Upgraded Bonus:11 Attack Speed"),

Which I parse into a data structure:

data Card = Card
    { _cost :: Integer
    , _power :: Integer
    , _speed :: Integer
    , _crit :: Integer
    , _pen :: Integer
    , _lifesteal :: Integer
    , _crit_bonus :: Integer
    , _ward :: Integer
    , _blink :: Integer
    , _name :: String
    , _firstType :: String
    , _secondType :: String
    , _afinity :: Afinity
    } deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Card

The equation to maximize DPS combines the stats of: power, speed, crit chance, armor pen, crit bonus, and the enemy’s armor.

dmgReduction :: Double -> Double -> Double
dmgReduction enemyArmor penetrationPoints =
  let effectiveArmor = enemyArmor - (penetrationPoints * 4.0)
      realArmor = if (effectiveArmor < 0) then 0 else effectiveArmor
      reduction = (100/(100 + effectiveArmor))
  in if reduction > 1 then 1 else reduction

dps :: Hero -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
dps hero powerPoints attackSpeedPoints critPoints penetrationPoints critDamage enemyArmor = do
  let reduction = dmgReduction enemyArmor penetrationPoints
      baseDmg = ((hero^.base_damage)+(6*powerPoints*(hero^.scaling)))
      hitsSecond = 1/((hero^.base_attack_time)/(((5.5*attackSpeedPoints) + (hero^.attack_speed))/100))
      critBonus = (1+((0.04*critPoints)*(critDamage-1)))
  baseDmg * hitsSecond * critBonus  * reduction

To speed up the optimization problem, I broke it down into two calculations. First I run the DPS algorithm against all the possible combinations of values with a max total cost of sixty points and six total cards. Since each card gets a bonus when completed with all three upgrades, those counted for extra:

maxDps :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Integer -> String -> Integer -> Double -> Build
maxDps     w       b     cheapCrit lifeSteal hero_name reduce_by en_armor =
  let totalPoints = 66 -- counts the bonus +1 of the 6 cards when completed
      ward = if w then 1 else 0
      blink = if b then 1 else 0
      maxPen = if hero_name == "sparrow" then 0 else 30
      points = totalPoints - lifeSteal - (3 * ward) - (6 * blink) - reduce_by
      totals = [ (calcIfUnder hero_name dmg speed crit pen critbonus points ward blink lifeSteal en_armor) |
                 dmg <- [0..30],
                 speed <- [0..30],
                 crit <- [0..30],
                 pen <- [0..maxPen],
                 critbonus <- [0..1]]
      build = head $ sortBy (flip compare `on` _bdps) totals
  in bcheapCrit .~ cheapCrit $ build

The function calcIfUnder returns a completed Build if the total card point equaled 60, otherwise an empty Build.

From this, we can quickly calculate the highest possible DPS for any given character, as a Build of the exact power, speed, crit chance, armor pen, enemy armor, and crit bonus points needed.

Now that we know the best possible Build, the hard part is figuring out what cards and upgrades to buy. Using glpk-hs, I make a tuple of each card with the possible upgrades for a given stat:

-- For cost (e.g. base cost is 3)
[("Whirling Wand - speed:1,power:5",9),
 ("Whirling Wand - speed:2,power:4",9),
 ("Whirling Wand - speed:3,power:3",9), ...]
-- For power (e.g. base power is 1)
[("Whirling Wand - speed:1,power:5",6),
 ("Whirling Wand - speed:2,power:4",5),
 ("Whirling Wand - speed:3,power:3",4), ...]
-- For speed (e.g. base speed is 3)
[("Whirling Wand - speed:1,power:5",4),
 ("Whirling Wand - speed:2,power:4",5),
 ("Whirling Wand - speed:3,power:3",6), ...]

This turns out to be roughly a few thousand cards+upgrades per stat. Since we only care about matching a stat exactly, we can use equalTo from glpk-hs:

lpCards :: Build -> LP String Integer
lpCards build = execLPM $ do
  let hero = heroFromName $ build^.bhero
  let useCheapCrit = (build^.bcheapCrit)
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _cost useCheapCrit)) totalCXP
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _power useCheapCrit)) (build^.bpower)
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _speed useCheapCrit)) (build^.bspeed)
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _crit useCheapCrit)) (build^.bcrit)
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _pen useCheapCrit)) (build^.bpen)
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _lifesteal useCheapCrit)) (build^.blifesteal)
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _crit_bonus useCheapCrit)) (build^.bcrit_bonus)
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _ward useCheapCrit)) (build^.bward)
  equalTo (linCombination (collectCostAndNameTuples hero _blink useCheapCrit)) (build^.bblink)
  equalTo (linCombination (map (\(_,name) -> (1, name)) $ collectCostAndNameTuples hero _power useCheapCrit)) totalCards
  mapM (\(_,name) -> varBds name 0 1) $ collectCostAndNameTuples hero _power useCheapCrit
  mapM (\(_,name) -> setVarKind name IntVar) $ collectCostAndNameTuples hero _power useCheapCrit

optimize :: Build -> IO [HandCard]
optimize b = do
  x <- glpSolveVars mipDefaults (lpCards b)
  putStrLn $ "Build" ++ (show b)
  case x of (Success, Just (obj, vars)) ->
              let cards = (map toHandCard) $ filter (\(name, count) -> count /= 0) $ Map.toList vars
              in if null cards then solverFailed
                 else return cards
            (failure, result) -> solverFailed

Running optimize from a scotty site gathers a solution for six card+upgrade tuples that match the desired ratio, and it is fast enough to run in under a second!

main :: IO ()
main = do
  scotty 3000 $ do
    middleware $ staticPolicy (noDots >-> addBase "static/html")
    middleware $ staticPolicy (noDots >-> addBase "static/dist")

    post "/dps" $ do
      s <- jsonData :: ActionM UISetting
      json $ DP.maxDps (has_ward s) (has_blink s) (cheap_crit s) (desired_lifesteal s) (hero_name s) 0 (enemy_armor s) 
    post "/optimize" $ do
      build <- jsonData :: ActionM OP.Build
      r <- liftIO $ OP.optimize build
      json r

Sample output:

And there you have it, a solver for the best DPS cards to build for Paragon for any hero! Code available here.

steve shogren

software developer, manager, author, speaker

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